Strolling sticks

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      Should you go outside with stick or umbrella, it must be with elegance and quality.

      We have a selection of company canes and elegant walking sticks from Scottish Charles Buyers & Co. Ltd. and German Gastrock - quality for every penny!

      Our canes are for good use, even if you are not! Frack Stock or Dress Cane is what they are called in foreign languages and indicates that they are better suited to dresses and white than a hike in nature - if you use a cane as an aid, they are not the right choice, although they are of course individually weighted, they are generally more flimsy than normal canes.


      109 products

      A cane has long symbolized dignity, wisdom and old age, and many remember that Moses walked with one. And many may recall how Chairman Spies bought theater seats for his cane.

      What one of our finer canes can also be used for can be found in both Grimm's and Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales. There are many stories in these about how the cane was used as a means of punishment, caning, cf. also the expression "cane method".

      More poetically and musically, the conductor's baton is spoken of, and the beloved Kim Larsen used a baton at his last concerts. Before his career, the song "Lift your hat and swing your stick" was sung in the musical "Meet me at Cassiopeia".

      If you see a musical show or a musical at a theater, you can also see our canes in action - if it's to be elegant in dress and white, you need a cane of a certain caliber.